Notes at the turn of the year 2018/2019
January, 1st 2019 – English Version
Dear Members and Supporters of the World Peace Union,
Who wouldn’t wish for world peace as a solution to the problems mankind is facing? The World Peace Union are visionaries, people who are looking ahead for a wonderful future for Earth, this great blue planet, on which we, our children and children’s children would like to continue living. “Imagine the Earth as beautiful as possible!”, as a great Vedic sage once said. That’s easier said than done. Who can imagine anything like a peaceful world, without wars, without refugees and displacement, a healthy environment without climate disasters, etc. Nevertheless, we need to start to realize world peace, to create and manage our world, as we imagine it could be. It is clear to us that this currently seems to be impossible and utopian. However, this was also the case when mankind decided to fly to the moon and yet it was accomplished. If we now do not seriously start to change the world for ourselves and our descendants, it may be too late some day in the near future.
However, this impulse hasn’t developed that much yet. There are many people, who have similar thoughts and as well are active, form human chains, help those in need, feed the poor, protect animals, fight for the environment, stand by refugees, pray for peace, etc. Those are the dreamers in John Lennon’s Imagine, who want to join the vision of peace on earth (“I hope some day you‘ll join us”). They wait and dream, want to participate and get started. How though? Someone has to start, lead the way, and that is the WPU.
Okay, nice words, but how do we do it actually? Here is the plan: We present the charter of the United Nations from 1945 together with the basic law of the Federal Republic of Germany from 1949 – or from another liberal, democratic constitution to an internationally renowned university institute, specializing in international law and hire it to design a new charter of the United Nations. German basic law states everything which is important to a federal, liberal, constitutional democratic state. There are not only 16 federal nations, but also about 200 nations in the world.
The preamble of this new world constitution, based on the basic law of the Federal Republic of Germany, could be as follows:
Aware of their responsibility for planet Earth and its inhabitants, inspired to ensure peace in the world, the undersigned 200 nations, by virtue of their constitutional power, have given themselves this democratic, constitutional, federal constitution and have in free self-determination and on the basis of freedom, unity and fraternity, decided the merging of all nations into a United Humanity. This constitution therefore is valid for the whole population of Earth. It substitutes the charter of the United Nations of 1945.
This project will be translated into many languages and will be uploaded to the internet for discussion. This is the key, the first step is understanding the mental inhibition, that world peace can only be an unrealistic Utopia, a chimera. So now, the visionaries of the world, with clear and wakened intellects, will begin to seriously discuss this, leading to the development of more ideas, inspirations and intelligent creative solutions. Those of us who were involved with the World Peace Plan in the past, thought ahead about this for the future with some initial ideas such as disarmament spirals, etc. However this was thirty years ago, when there was no internet or Facebook.
One can see that this is a gigantic project. We are talking about the greatest utopia of the history of mankind, more revolutionary than the moon landing! However the time is ripe, and we should start now!
There are some bright spots: In 2018, the international community made a remarkable step towards the right direction with the adoption of the UN Migration Pact. The worldwide migration phenomenon can only be solved globally, and this is what the WPU has been saying since a long time. Unfortunately this Pact is being weakened with non-commitment and this is rooted in the main obstacle for world peace, which is the international doctrine of the inviolable sovereignty of nation states.
A global federal world constitution presupposes in fact, that individual nation states renounce parts of their sovereignty rights. That is, as Albert Einstein had already realized, a basic condition for world peace. Without a partial renunciation of national sovereignty by the nations involved, this will not work. Because Global Issues Require Global Solutions „(Yuval Noah Harari, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century, 2018, Chapter 7) require global solutions, and these will not be possible on the basis of the outdated UN Charter of 1945 with 193 sovereign states and the veto right in the Security Council.
Finally a last important point, the most important of all: Concrete steps must be taken to increase the consciousness of humanity. A person uses only a small fraction of their mental potential. People must become smarter, more peaceful, harmonious, rational, conscious and coherent1, and this happens with proven yogic programs. “In the presence of yoga, enmity and conflict disappear”, the ancient Vedic scriptures say. Yoga leads man to unite with his self, with his divine origin. And there’s enough pure intelligence there.
On the 12 of January, 2019, another working session of the WPU Executive Committee will take place in Bedburg in conjunction with the working group appointed by the WPU to prepare the next General Assembly. Starting …… at …… If you are interested, please contact the WPU General Secretary, Mr. Joachim Nusch, Am Fließ 21, 50181 Bedburg, Tel. ……………
I wish you all a healthy, happy New Year 2019. That’s when we will tackle it.
- (Aurelio Peccei, Founder of the Club of Rome, The quality of human beings, 1982; Erich Fromm, Have or Be, 1976)
Dear Members and Supporters of the World Peace Union,
Who wouldn’t wish for world peace as a solution to the problems mankind is facing? The World Peace Union are visionaries, people who are looking ahead for a wonderful future for Earth, this great blue planet, on which we, our children and children’s children would like to continue living. “Imagine the Earth as beautiful as possible!”, as a great Vedic sage once said. That’s easier said than done. Who can imagine anything like a peaceful world, without wars, without refugees and displacement, a healthy environment without climate disasters, etc. Nevertheless, we need to start to realize world peace, to create and manage our world, as we imagine it could be. It is clear to us that this currently seems to be impossible and utopian. However, this was also the case when mankind decided to fly to the moon and yet it was accomplished. If we now do not seriously start to change the world for ourselves and our descendants, it may be too late some day in the near future.
However, this impulse hasn’t developed that much yet. There are many people, who have similar thoughts and as well are active, form human chains, help those in need, feed the poor, protect animals, fight for the environment, stand by refugees, pray for peace, etc. Those are the dreamers in John Lennon’s Imagine, who want to join the vision of peace on earth (“I hope some day you‘ll join us”). They wait and dream, want to participate and get started. How though? Someone has to start, lead the way, and that is the WPU.
Okay, nice words, but how do we do it actually? Here is the plan: We present the charter of the United Nations from 1945 together with the basic law of the Federal Republic of Germany from 1949 – or from another liberal, democratic constitution to an internationally renowned university institute, specializing in international law and hire it to design a new charter of the United Nations. German basic law states everything which is important to a federal, liberal, constitutional democratic state. There are not only 16 federal nations, but also about 200 nations in the world.
The preamble of this new world constitution, based on the basic law of the Federal Republic of Germany, could be as follows:
Aware of their responsibility for planet Earth and its inhabitants, inspired to ensure peace in the world, the undersigned 200 nations, by virtue of their constitutional power, have given themselves this democratic, constitutional, federal constitution and have in free self-determination and on the basis of freedom, unity and fraternity, decided the merging of all nations into a United Humanity. This constitution therefore is valid for the whole population of Earth. It substitutes the charter of the United Nations of 1945.
This project will be translated into many languages and will be uploaded to the internet for discussion. This is the key, the first step is understanding the mental inhibition, that world peace can only be an unrealistic Utopia, a chimera. So now, the visionaries of the world, with clear and wakened intellects, will begin to seriously discuss this, leading to the development of more ideas, inspirations and intelligent creative solutions. Those of us who were involved with the World Peace Plan in the past, thought ahead about this for the future with some initial ideas such as disarmament spirals, etc. However this was thirty years ago, when there was no internet or Facebook.
One can see that this is a gigantic project. We are talking about the greatest utopia of the history of mankind, more revolutionary than the moon landing! However the time is ripe, and we should start now!
There are some bright spots: In 2018, the international community made a remarkable step towards the right direction with the adoption of the UN Migration Pact. The worldwide migration phenomenon can only be solved globally, and this is what the WPU has been saying since a long time. Unfortunately this Pact is being weakened with non-commitment and this is rooted in the main obstacle for world peace, which is the international doctrine of the inviolable sovereignty of nation states.
A global federal world constitution presupposes in fact, that individual nation states renounce parts of their sovereignty rights. That is, as Albert Einstein had already realized, a basic condition for world peace. Without a partial renunciation of national sovereignty by the nations involved, this will not work. Global problems require global solutions, and these will not be possible on the basis of the outdated UN Charter of 1945 with 193 sovereign states and the veto right in the Security Council. No worries though, even in a federal world, national football teams can play against each other and world championships can be held with the world’s best athletes measuring their strength at the Olympic Games.
Finally a last important point, the most important of all: Concrete steps must be taken to increase the consciousness of humanity. A person uses only a small fraction of their mental potential. People must become smarter, more peaceful, harmonious, rational, conscious and coherent1, and this happens with proven yogic programs. “In the presence of yoga, enmity and conflict disappear”, the ancient Vedic scriptures say. Yoga leads man to unite with his self, with his divine origin. And there’s enough pure intelligence there.
On the 12 of January, 2019, another working session of the WPU Executive Committee will take place in conjunction with the working group appointed by the WPU to prepare the next General Assembly.
If you are interested, please contact the WPU General Secretary, Mr. Joachim Nusch, Am Fließ 21, 50181 Bedburg, Tel. +49 2463 997366
Email: joachim.nusch[@]weltfriedensunion.de
I wish you all a healthy, happy New Year 2019. That’s when we will tackle it.
- (Aurelio Peccei, Founder of the Club of Rome, The quality of human beings, 1982; Erich Fromm, Have or Be, 1976)